Sunday 8th September 2024 All Saints Church, Childwall
‘People were overwhelmed with amazement. ‘He has done everything well,’ they said.’ Mark 7 v37
Thursday 12th September 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service Thursday 19th September 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Friday 20th September 2.30pm Funeral of Richie Gray Thursday 26th September 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Sunday 8th September 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Morning Worship
6pm Evening Worship with Tim & Carol Derbyshire from ‘Hope from above’ in the church
hall, followed by tea & coffee 6pm Ignite (Youth church) in hall
Sunday 15th September 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Morning Worship
6pm Evening Worship in the church hall, tea & coffee 6pm Ignite (Youth church) in hall
Sunday 22nd September 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Baptism service
6pm Evening Worship in the church hall, tea & coffee 6pm Ignite (Youth church) in hall
Saturday 28th September 11am Ordination as Priest of our Curate Rev. Adeyinka Olushonde
at All Saints Childwall by Bishop Geoff Pearson.
Sunday 29th September 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Morning Worship
12.30pm Celebratory lunch for Adeyinka’s Priesting in the church hall
6pm Evening Worship in the church hall, tea & coffee 6pm Ignite (Youth church) in hall
Adeyinka’s Ordination
We have a selection of Ordination cards
for sale at the back
of Church
Price £2.50 each
Pebbles, Rock Club & Boulders will restart after the summer break on Sunday 15th September at 9.15am
Deanery Young People’s Confirmation classes
On Wednesday 11th, 18th, 25th September and 2nd & 9th October at All Hallows Church, Allerton. The church will be open from 4 pm and the sessions will be between 4.30pm and 6pm.
The sessions will be lead by John McCreadie our Youth Worker at All Saints Childwall.
For further information please contact John.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 14th September at 8am in the church hall.
Please come and join us for breakfast, a great time of fellowship together and a short reflection. Followed by prayers and a hymn. Our speaker this week is Malcolm Colmer.
Aidan Holmes: 07563736150
School Forms – Secondary School Applications
If you need a Secondary school form completing I will be doing this by morning and afternoon appointments and evenings if needed. Please email me and let me know if you can make a daytime appointment or if you need an evening one and what days you are available and
I will arrange an appointment time for you. For Primary school forms I will be offering appointments to complete these after the October half term. Thank you, Andrew
In the Boys Brigade we have FAITH IN YOUNG PEOPLE and want every young person to experience life to the full (John 10:10)
We’re looking for boys going into year 1 to join all the fun and adventures of Boys’ Brigade! Want to find out more? Please email: by Sunday 15th September 2024
Thank you for your generous donations for Anything August.
This month request is ‘Sweet September’, sugar, chocolate & biscuits. You can donate any suitable non-perishable foods.
Aidan Holmes: 07563736150
Pram Club – every Thursday in the hall during term time from 1.30pm – 3pm
Stay and play for Pre-school children with crafts, story and refreshments. Pram Club needs more people to be involved on our leadership rota. Would you be willing to be involved on a rota with others being responsible for one week a month to set up and lead?
Hope University – student welcome packs for Freshers in September 2024
All Saints Mother’s union are putting together welcome packs again.
Please donate teabags, sachets of coffee or hot chocolate.
Face cloth, J cloth, pens and pencils. Small packets of sweet and wrapped biscuits. Small toiletries: shower gel, hand cream, shampoo.
Please leave items at the back of church. Thank you.
Vestry will restart on Tuesday 10th September
When we are open to book a baptism or a wedding or for someone to speak to a member of the clergy, we always have a member of the congregation on duty to welcome people and act as security whilst people meet the clergy in the Vestry.
Would you be willing to be on a rota to help with this important ministry?
You would only be on about every 8 weeks or less. Please speak to Barbara Critchley.
Heritage Weekend
All Saints will be welcoming visitors once again this Saturday and Sunday for Heritage Weekend. The Church, Tower and Churchyard will be open throughout the Weekend. This is a great opportunity to invite our family, friends and neighbours to visit our historic building.
We are delighted that Margaret Thwaite’s son Michael has agreed to play the Organ on Saturday morning at 10.15 for one hour. Many of us remember with affection Michael’s dad Alan who was our organist for many years. It will be lovely to see Michael sitting in Alan’s place.
This year we are welcoming back Andrew Sharples who will be playing the Organ on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. We are also pleased the Abbey Artists are returning and will be displaying their paintings in the Chancel.
Another returnee is Diana Goodier who will once again be leading guided tours of the Churchyard at 11am & 1.30pm on Saturday and 2.30pm on Sunday. Stout footwear is recommended. Places will be limited on the tours to
15 people and booking is advisable.
Our beautiful historic Church bears witness to the faithfulness of countless generations over nearly 1000 years, and this year we will have a display about the Church today which will inform our visitors about the many activities at All Saints through which we seek to bear witness to the faithfulness of God.
If you would like to get involved with the church acre please speak to Will or Jean Steward who are taking a lead on this community project for All Saints church.
Morning Prayer
Did you know that All Saints have a regular online service of Morning Prayer on Monday and Friday mornings?
Starting at 8am for around 30 minutes, this is a great way to begin your day.
We use the Common Worship service format (shared by Anglican Christians around the world!), focussing on God’s will for our lives, praying for the congregation and the parish of All Saints Childwall.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Why not join us? It is a great way to connect with other members of the congregation, and participate in life of the church through fellowship and prayer.
On Zoom ID: 948 786 2454 Passcode: 4allsaints
Weekly Church prayer meeting – Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom for 40 minutes.
Please note joining ID. Meeting ID: 880 238 0315
Passcode: yt76bq
Weekly Prayer requests – We pray for all those who are unwell at this time: David Miller, Keith Caulkin, Ken Hughes, Ken Swallow, Edna Cowan, Stephen Skelhorn, Pete Norton, Irene Paisley, Helen Roberts, Brian Shaw, June Wilson,
Norma Woolley and Ann Ashworth.
We pray for the bereaved family & friends of:
Jan Chaplin, Stephen Wright, Graham Deacon, Joyce Willan & Richie Gray
Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 –
Bill Forster – Associate Minister –
Adeyinka Olushonde – Curate – Tel: 07300 885515 John McCreadie – Youth Worker –