7th January 2024 All Saints Church, Childwall
“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a] from
the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the
Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2
Sunday 7th January 9.15am Service of the Word 11am Holy Communion
6pm – Evening worship in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Thursday 11th January 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Sunday 14th January 9.15am Holy Communion
10.55am All Age Service of the Word
6pm – Evening worship in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Thursday 18th January 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Sunday 21st January 9.15am Service of the Word 11am All Age Service of the Word
6pm – Holy Communion with prayers for healing and reconciliation in the church hall
followed by tea & coffee
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 13th January at 8am in the church hall
Please come and join us for breakfast, a great time of fellowship together and a short
reflection, ending with a song and prayer. Aidan Holmes
Alpha Course – starting in January 2024
Our next Alpha course will start on
Wednesday 17th January at 7.30pm at
Calisa, Childwall Abbey Road,
and run for 11 weeks.
This will be led by Jim Harrison and Rhia Preston
Please speak to Jim or Rhia for more information or to join this next Alpha course.
Jim: 07999 516612 Rhia: 07740 820420
VESTRY HOUR every Tuesday from 7pm in church
To book a Baptism or a Wedding or speak to a member of the clergy, please come to
Vestry Hour which is held in the church every Tuesday, no appointment is necessary.
Please use the wooden door to the left of the tower. You do not need to knock;
just come in, take a seat and you will be seen privately in turn.
Fit for Mission
FFM is a new Diocesan initiative for the future.
The proposal is that our Deanery of South Liverpool will become one
large single parish with one single PCC.
Each church community will have its own local leadership team.
We will be communicating more about FFM in the near future, but please pray for
our PCC as they consider the options and implications for the church going forward.
Your Church family needs You!
All Saints Childwall is a vibrant and growing congregation, serving God and
ministering in the community in a number of ways. Please prayerfully
consider whether you would be willing
to stand as a Warden or Deputy Warden to support us in our ongoing
growth and ministry.
Our monthly TEA@2 next takes place on Wednesday 17th January in the Church Hall from 2.00 –
4.00pm. As usual there will be a bottomless teapot, lots of delicious home-made cakes, chat with
friends old and new and quizzes to do if you want.
World Mission Area
Tearfund, Chrisans Against Poverty (CAP) and Release Internaonal for Persecuted Chrisans
are All Saints Mission Partners who we support both financially and prayerfully.
Tearfund’s mission is to equip churches around the world today so that the 250 church
communies that they currently support are transformed and the people are empowered to
reach their God – given potenal providing them with the means to adapt their farming methods
to provide food and an income for their families in today’s changing climate.
CAP is a U.K. Chrisan charity providing financial help to those who are struggling with debt and
have sort advice to become solvent. Many oen find faith through the support and guidance
that they have received.
Release Internaonal for Persecuted Chrisans is acve in more than 25 countries around the
world working through local Chrisan partners to provide spiritual resources and praccal
support to vicms of persecuon. This includes prayerfully, pastorally and praccally helping the
families of Chrisan martyrs, prisoners of faith and their families.
We thank you Lord for their commitment to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world today.
World Mission Area sub-Commiee
Morning Prayer – Monday & Friday at 8:00am – Morning prayer service
with words on screen. Optional chat after the service. Meeting ID: 948 786
2454 Passcode: 4allsaints
Weekly prayer meeting – Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom for 40 minutes.
Please note joining ID. Meeting ID: 880 238 0315 Passcode: yt76bq
Weekly Prayer requests – Please pray for all those who are unwell at this time
particularly praying for David Miller, Keith Caulkin, Dick Williams, Ken Hughes, Geoff
Southern, Ken Swallow, Edna Cowan, Stephen Skelhorn, Maureen Alcock, Steve Chadwick
and Joyce Willan. We pray for the bereaved family & friends of Doris Springer, Patricia
Horne, Eileen Edwards, Sue Holden and Jan Hall.
Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 – vicar.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
Bill Forster – Associate Minister – william.forster1@btinternet.com
Adeyinka Olushonde – Curate – Tel: 07300 885515 adeyinka.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
All Saints Church Childwall
The mission of God’s work in Childwall and the preservation of our historic buildings is
supported by many generous donations, and for this we are exceedingly grateful. Should you
wish to support All Saints Church, there are many ways to do this.
In Church, you are able to give via the Collection Plate or by using the Contactless machine.
Yellow envelopes are available for one-off gifts which may be Gift Aided. You may also consider
remembering us in your will and leaving a legacy to All Saints.
Our preferred way of receiving your gift is via the Parish Giving Scheme.
Gifts way be one-off or by regular monthly, quarterly or annual donations.
This can be done in any of the following ways:-
Our Parish Code is 220 622 027
By post using the paper forms available at the back of church
By telephone to 0333 002 1260 quoting our code above
Via the web site www.parishgiving.org.uk , again using the code above
Using the QR code which will take you directly to our site
Thank you for your support in maintaining our mission and preserving our precious building.
Would you be willing to read the Bible at the 11am service on a rota?
Please speak to Barbara our Warden or to Andrew or Adeyinka. Thank you