30th July 2023 All Saints Church, Childwall
“I will open my mouth in parables,
I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world”
Matthew 13 v 35
Children’s work will resume on Sunday 17th September.
Thursday 3rd August 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service Thursday 10th August 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service Thursday 17th August 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
Thursday 24th August 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service Thursday 31st August 10.45am Holy Communion BCP service
For the summer we will only be having one Sunday morning service at 10am
from Sunday 30th July until Sunday September 3rd inclusive
Sunday 30th July 10am Communion service, followed by tea & coffee in the hall
6pm – Evening service in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 6th August 10am Communion service, followed by tea & coffee in the hall
6pm Evening service in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 13th August 10am Communion Service
6pm – Evening service in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 20th August 10am Communion Service
6pm – Communion service with prayers for healing & reconciliation
in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 27th August 10am Communion Service
6pm – Evening service in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Sunday 3rd September 10am Communion Service
Rev. Julia Pratt preaching – Chaplain from Hope University
6pm – Evening service in the church hall followed by tea & coffee
Heritage weekend
All Saints is taking part in the UK National Heritage Weekend on 9th and 10th September.
Our Church will be open all day Saturday and on Sunday afternoon including the tower. We need a team of stewards who will welcome people. No historical knowledge is required.
You just need to give people a friendly welcome. We have enough volunteers to do this on Sunday afternoon but could still use another few for Saturday especially in the afternoon, either 12.00 until 2.00pm or 2.00 until 4.00 pm. If you would like to do this please contact Helen Ford on 07950718759 or h.h.ford@btinternet.com. Alternatively speak to Garry Critchley.
Student welcome bags for Fresher’s fair at Hope University on September 27th
The Mother’s union at All Saints are putting together welcome bags for new 1st year students Please can you help by donating items for the bags. Please bring items to church from Sunday 27th August. For further information please speak to Sue Watterson
Cup a soup sachets
Tea bags, Coffee sachets
Small shampoo & conditioner bottles
Small pack of biscuits or chocolate bars
Student Hospitality
Would you be willing to have a couple of students for a meal in October to welcome them to Liverpool? It would be great if about 10 individuals or families would be willing to offer hospitality. Please speak to or email Adeyinka if you would like to offer.
Opportunity for a Youth worker at All Saints Childwall
I am delighted to be able to share with you that we will be able to employ a Youth Worker at all Saints.
The total pledges made towards this position have exceeded our target of £45,000. The last few weeks have been truly humbling as we have seen pledges flood in towards this appointment. As a PCC we believed that we should step out in faith and test this opportunity before God which he has now blessed.
An enormous thank you to all of you that have made pledges.
How can you fulfil you pledge?
To fulfil your pledges please see the information at the bottom of this weekly sheet or take a printed information sheet from the back of church that will detail the different ways you can give.
Our preferred method of giving as a church is through the Parish Giving Scheme as gifts come into the church bank account with tax reclaimed without us having to complete any administration which obviously saves a lot of time.
We thank God for the way that he has prompted all of us to respond in this way. We look forward with excitement to the future. Please now pray that God will lead the right person to respond to his call and join us at All Saints Childwall.
If you have any further questions or would like to talk about this opportunity please contact me. Thank you, Andrew
Church Open – Sunday afternoons
The Church will be open on Sunday afternoons from 2-4pm throughout the Summer. There is a lot of local interest in our historic Church so please tell your friends and neighbours and encourage them to visit.
There will always be 2 members of our church on duty to meet & greet people.
Adult Confirmation
If you would like to be confirmed this year or would like to know more please speak to Andrew or Adeyinka who will be running an Adult confirmation class later this year. The Confirmation service that we will be going to for adults this year will be on Sunday 22nd October at 3pm at St Anne’s Aigburth with Bishop Bev, Bishop of Warrington.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday August 7th at 7.30pm in the Childwall Abbey. The book is Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. I really enjoyed it.
Please don’t let the title put you off, there will be no GCSE questions in the discussion! Contact Val or Helen if you would like more information.
All welcome whether or not you have read the book.
Mother’s Union
Tuesday 15th August 2pm – 4pm
Informal fellowship at Sue Watterson’s home – 26 Hunts Cross Avenue.
Tuesday 12th September 2pm Communion service in church
NO VESTRY HOUR during August
Tuesday’s from 7pm in church – back in September!
To book a Baptism or a Wedding or speak to a member of the clergy, please come to Vestry Hour which is held in the church every Tuesday, no appointment is necessary. Please use the wooden door to the left of the tower. You do not need to knock; just come in, take a seat and you will be seen privately in turn.
Your Church family needs You!
Please prayerfully consider whether you would be willing to stand as a Warden or Deputy Warden.
Prayer – Monday & Friday at 8:00am – Morning prayer service with words on screen. Optional chat after the service. Meeting ID: 948 786 2454 Passcode: 4allsaints
Weekly prayer meeting – Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom for 40 minutes.
Please note joining ID. Meeting ID: 880 238 0315
Passcode: yt76bq
Weekly Prayer requests – Please pray for all those who are unwell at this time particularly praying for Doris Springer, David Miller, Keith Caulkin, Patricia Horne, Dick Williams, Christine Bayliss, Ken Hughes, Sue Holden and Geoff Southern.
We also pray for the bereaved family & friends of Helen Pang & Wally Pritchard.
Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 – vicar.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
Bill Forster – Associate Minister – william.forster1@btinternet.com
Adeyinka Olushonde – Curate – Tel: 07300 885515 adeyinka.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
Opportunity for a Youth Worker at All Saints Childwall
I am delighted to share with you all, that we will be able to employ a Youth Worker at all Saints Childwall.
The total pledges made towards this position have exceeded our target of £45,000.
The last few weeks have been truly humbling as we have seen pledges flood in towards this appointment. As a PCC we believed that we should step out in faith and test this opportunity before God which he has now blessed.
An enormous thank you to all of you that have made pledges.
How can you fulfil your pledge?
To fulfil your pledges please see the information at the bottom of the weekly sheet or take a printed information sheet from the back of church that will detail the different ways you can give.
Our preferred method of giving as a church is through the Parish Giving Scheme as gifts come into the church bank account with tax reclaimed without us having to complete any administration which obviously saves a lot of time.
We thank God for the way that he has prompted us to respond. We look forward with excitement to the future. Please now pray that God will lead the right person to respond to his call and join us at All Saints Childwall.
If you have any further questions or would like to talk about this opportunity please contact me.
With my thanks and prayers, Andrew
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
All Saints’ Code is 220 622 027
PGS can be contacted by:-
- Telephone – 0333 002 1260
- The website www.parishgiving.org.uk – QR Code below
Existing members – you will need your Contact ID number
To give a lump sum, you will also need your Bank Debit Card detail
To increase your existing monthly giving, you can do this on the phone, or on-line using the ‘Manage Payment’ field.
New members
Contacting PGS via any of the above, will allow you give a lump sum (you will need your Bank Debit Card detail) or set up a regular monthly/quarterly/annual payment (you will need your bank account Name, Sort Code and Account Number)
To enable our Treasurer to ensure that your gift is properly recorded against match funding a Youth Worker, please complete the slip on the reverse of this form.
Bank Transfer, Cheque or Existing Standing Order
A Lump Sum gift may be made by Cheque or on-line banking to:-
Sort Code Account Number
Parochial Church Council of All Saints Childwall 20-50-82
When using 0n-line banking, please quote Reference – ‘YW your name’ so as to make it clear on the bank statement.
Should you wish us to reclaim tax under the Gift aid Scheme, we need to hold a valid Gift Aid Declaration in your name. We will already have this for you If you are a regular Standing Order giver. Otherwise, we will need you to complete a Gift aid Declaration form, available at the back of church. It is important that you check that you are paying sufficient tax to cover all gifts you make under Gift Aid.
To increase a regular Standing Order, you will need to do this yourself via your bank.
To enable our Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary to ensure that your gift is properly recorded against match funding a Youth Worker, please complete the slip on the reverse of this form.
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) All Saints’ Code is 220 622 027
To the PCC Treasurer
From:- ………………………………………………………………………………….
(If you are an anonymous donor, please write ‘Anonymous’)
I/We have made a one-off gift of £…………………………………… } To match fund } a Youth Worker
I/We have increased our regular giving by £………………………….. per month } Please return this form to Diane Deacon or place in the box at back of Church.
Bank Transfer, Cheque or Existing Standing Order To the PCC Treasurer and Gift aid Secretary
From:- ………………………………………………………………………………….
I have made a one-off gift via on-line banking of £……………………………………
I have made a one-off gift via cheque of £…………………………………. IhaveincreasedmyStandingOrderby £…………………………………..permonth } Please return this form to Diane Deacon or place in the box at back of Church.
} To match fund
} a Youth Worker