3rd October 2021
All Saints Church, Childwall
READ: Mark 10:1/12 – 10 “Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them. 2 Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” 3 “What did Moses command you?” he replied. 4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.” 5 “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. 6 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8 and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.” 10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. 11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”
REFLECT: Divorce was a real ‘hot potato’ in Jesus day. The debate was not IF divorce could take place, but on what terms. The argument was whether divorce could happen for any reason, including trivial things or whether divorce could only take place due to the adultery of one or other party. The ‘losers’, when divorce took place in this male dominated culture, were mainly women who were very much third classcitizens with few rights. It was in this context that Jesus’ enemies asked their question, ‘Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?’, hoping to catch him out on this contentious subject.
The passage above describes the discussion. Interestingly, Jesus doesn’t take sides in the debate, but points his listeners back to God’s original, good purposes for mankind, reminding them that marriage as God intended it was/is between a man and a woman, permanent, monogamous and sexual; in other words, God’s intention for marriage was/is a profound and lifelong union of a man and a woman. Jesus doesn’t debate the view of the day, but takes the debate back to first principles, which seems to me to be the right starting point for any complex decision we face.
The Church has always held marriage in the highest possible regard and has sought to uphold its values, whilst also wrestling with how to respond pastorally when a marriage breaks down. Part of that response has been to consider whether it should be possible for a previously married and divorced person to be [re]married in Church. This is now allowed under certain circumstances, with the local Clergy being responsible for making careful enquiries into the circumstances leading up to the divorce and the attitude towards/understanding of the divorcee[s] of the Christian teaching about marriage. The challenge facing Clergy in these circumstances is how to uphold traditional values whilst also echoing Jesus’ concern for justice with mercy, law with grace, and discipline with pastoral care.
Whilst remaining an important and difficult issue, divorce is no longer the ‘hot potato’ it was in Jesus day; today we face a different ‘hot potato’ in this area of human relationships. The question? How the Church, locally and nationally, should respond to the needs of people of different gender identities and sexualities
[LGBTQI+]. General Synod has produced a report/study entitled, ‘Living in Love and Faith’ [LLF], part of which encourages Church Councils and congregations to engage with this question and come to a view which can be shared with General Synod helping them to decide on a godly, loving and compassionate response to our brothers and sisters in Christ with different gender identities and sexuality.RESPOND: Pray for marriages across our nation and any known to you to be in difficulty or under pressure.
Consider taking part in the LLF study course when announced. Pray for our Church Council as they discuss the LLF report. Pray for the current General Synod elections and for those elected as they debate the LLF report and make recommendations for the national Church. Pray for compassion and godly wisdom for all.
PRAY: Heavenly Father, help us, and those who lead Your Church in taking difficult decisions, to listen carefully to each other and to You so that Your will may be done in this matter and all others. Amen
Rev Bill Forster (Associate Minster at All Saints, Childwall)
Church Services
Sunday 3rd October– 9.15am – Service of the Word 11am – Service with Holy Communion
6pm – Evening Service (in the Church Hall) Thursday 7th October – 10.45am BCP Holy Communion
Sunday 10th October – 9.15am – Harvest Service with Holy Communion 11am – Harvest Parade Service 6pm – Harvest evening praise service (in the Church Hall) with tea & coffee afterwards.
Harvest collection for South Liverpool Foodbank
This year all our Harvest gifts will be going to our local Foodbank. There are many families that are currently struggling and the presence of the Foodbank is essential for them. Please give generously this year, all items can be brought forward in church at both of our morning services. Please only bring non-perishable food with a good use by date. The Foodbank have particularly asked for the following items that they are short of: Custard, rice pudding (instant in tins or packets), biscuits, coffee, tinned fish and deodorants. Thank You
Zoom Sunday Coffee – Every Sunday at 10.45am – Meeting ID:842 767 1496 Password: 4allsaintshttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/8427671496?pwd=K2dMMnlvTHpwTkxDNEV6bDYwQXBDQT09
Online Church Services – We are continuing to record our Sunday morning service in church. It will be uploaded to our website to be viewed each week soon after 11am. www.allsaintschildwall.org.uk
Morning Prayer– Monday and Friday at 8:00am – Common Worship Morning prayer service with words on screen. Optional Chat after the service. Meeting ID: 865 694 0214 Passcode: mprayer
Weekly prayer meeting – Thursday 6.30pm on Zoom. Why not join a group of us at All Saints that pray regularly. It lasts 40 minutes, you can pray, sit and listen or just contemplate. – Aidan Holmes https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8802380315?pwd=cGxQTnQ0QVRjU1gyUnBrYnJMMzZldz09
Please note new joining ID. Meeting ID: 880 238 0315 Passcode: yt76bq
VESTRY HOUR is back – every Tuesday in Church
If you would like to book a Baptism or a Wedding or speak to us about anything else, please come to Vestry Hour which is held in the church on Tuesday evenings between 7pm and 8pm, no appointment is necessary. Please use the small door to the left of the building for access – there is a path from the white gates nearest the Abbey pub. You do not need to knock; just come in, take a seat and you will be seen privately in turn.
School Forms – Secondary School Applications
Please email me and I will arrange an appointment time for you. Thank you, Andrew
Storytime – Mondays from 10am – 11.30am
Storytime is a group for pre-school children run by volunteers from All Saints and meets every Monday during term time in the church hall. It starts with a story and involves lots of fun, crafts, teddies and action songs. It costs £2 per family which is entirely used to cover running costs, snacks, rent and craft items.
Pram Club – Thursdays from 1.30pm – 3pm
We run every Thursday for pre-school children during term time with a cost of £2 per family.
Why not come along and join in the fun? Refreshments served for both children and adults.
Weekly Prayer requests – If you would like other members of our church family to pray for you or a family member, please send me their names for this sheet, please ask permission from the person. Please pray for all those who are unwell at this time particularly praying for Nicoli Gray (Carole Turner’s daughter), David Miller, Patricia Horne, Margaret Whitehead, Alan Kirk, Louise Kenny and CharlotteFitzsimon. We also pray for the bereaved family and friends of Gladys Lucass and Alma Canavan.
With our prayers for you all at this time
Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257 – vicar.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
Helen Deegan – Curate – Tel: 07984 933467 – curate.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com
Bill Forster – Associate Minister – william.forster1@btinternet.com
Adeyinka Olushonde – Ordinand – adeyinka.allsaintschildwall@gmail.com