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Weekly notice 19th April 2020

By 18th April 2020Latest News

Sunday 19th April 2020                                                                          All Saints Church Childwall

READ:  John 20:19-21.   Jesus Appears to His Disciples

19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. 21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 

REFLECT:  The disciples had faithfully followed Jesus right up to his arrest, but then deserted him when he was led off to be tried and crucified.  Peter is the only disciple who stays close but watches from afar and when challenged denies knowing Jesus altogether. After the death of Jesus, the disciples are together but are now in hiding, fearful for their own safety. On that first Easter Sunday evening Jesus appears to them inside their locked room and greets them with the words “Peace be with you”

On Easter Sunday last week we were all separated from one another and behind the closed doors of our own homes as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Saviour.  The words of Jesus that he spoke to his disciples he speaks to us today in the midst of our own self isolation.  

Like the first disciples we can feel fearful for our own safety, but staying isolated is what will protect us and the words Jesus gives us are the words he gave his disciples, words of Peace.  He understood why the disciples felt the way they did. He knew what they neededemotionally and gave them his words of peace. He does the same for us, we must hold onto the truth, that Jesus gives us a personal peace that is just for us.  So to you today Jesus says “Peace be with you”


How have you been feeling this week?  Have you felt like locking yourself away completely in your own home to protect yourself?  Maybe you have felt fearful about going out to the shops or taking your daily walk? Or maybe on the other hand you feel trapped because the choice to go out has been taken from you!  However you are feeling, whether you have had good days or bad days I encourage you to spend some time now dwelling on the words of Jesus “Peace be with you”!

Jesus knows what it is like to have our feelings, he carried out his Father’s will dying on a cross for you and for me, going through pain and suffering and anxiety. In verse 21 Jesus spoke a second time to the disciples saying “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”  What an incredible statement this is, the disciples taking over from Jesus and continuing his ministry.  The same is true for us as Jesus says to us also “I am sending you”So this week I will finish by saying to you all the familiar words we share in church. “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord”!  In the name of Christ Amen!”


Father God, thank you for sending Jesus to be my Saviour.  Thank you for your peace, a peace that passes all understanding.  Help me this week to know your peace in my life.  Help me to remember that you are with me in all that I face day by day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick,
and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, for your name’s sake.  Amen.

Rev. Andrew Colmer – Vicar of All Saints Church Childwall

Dear Friends,

As I write this letter it is raining outside, the first time in a while.  We have been very blessed recently with some lovely warm sunny weather. As a Beekeeper I keep a regular eye on the weather and I am glad to see that this week’s forecast is for another warm sunny week.  What always amazes me about my bees is that as soon as the temperature is high enough they are out foraging for nectar and pollen.  There isn’t a moment on a warm sunny day when the bees are not active and working together for the good of the colony.  Throughout our country at the moment in the NHS, in Social care, in Education in Food Retail and inour local communities so many people are working together for the good of the nation and for their fellow human beings.  It really is a testimony to the human spirit at the moment the way people are serving one another.  Thank you to so many of you that are supporting others, by making a phone call, doing some shopping or letting someone know that you are there for them.

This weekly sheet is currently being sent out every Saturday in time for use on Sunday to over 185 email addresses.  My email list is growing all the time and if you know of anyone who is not receiving it and would like to, please ask them to send me their email address.  For those that are not on the internet please could buddies print it off and post it through people’s doors using gloves.

Please can I encourage you to continue to pause every day at 12noon to pray for our nation our community our health workers and all those that are working in key roles at this uncertain time.  As we pray let us be encouraged that we are not alone we are praying as the church, the people of God not in our church building, but in our homes and in the community.   With my prayers for you all at this time.

Andrew – Vicar of All Saints Childwall

All Saints Buddy Scheme

The aims of the scheme are to keep in touch with members of our church family and community who are isolated or vulnerable and to provide them with spiritual support and, if possible, practical support.   If you are willing to be a ‘Buddy’ please text Mary Harrison on 07817 471857 with your name and phone number and she will give you further details. If you are self-isolating and would value some help or support or know someone else who would locally please also text or email Mary Harrison at mary.harrison32@virginmedia.comwith details.

Please see this important message below.  Thank you to those of you that have been responding recently with new financial support for the ministry of All Saints Church it is really appreciated at this time.

Thank you for the time in reading this message. We all know how difficult things are just now but we are hoping that, in all the uncertainty, you still may be able to help in the work we do here in this Parish and beyond. Many of you are already contributing financially, and we thank you for that, but in this time when we are not meeting in Church, please do prayerfully consider whether you will continue your giving, increase it or perhaps contribute for the first time? We really are grateful for all we receive and there are so many ways you can contribute whether it is online, tax efficient ways or dropping off a donation. If you feel this is something you would like to help with then please contact Andrew, our Vicar, or Alan, our Treasurer, through the office email:  or phone number: 0151 538 5973
With our gratitude, love and prayers Andrew and Alan

Please share all this information with other members of our church congregation and community.

All Saints Childwall Church – Andrew Colmer – Vicar – Tel: 07305 842257

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