CORONAVIRUS – COVID19 (updated 9th March)
All Saints’ Church recognises that there is concern about this virus and wants to reassure you that we have looked at the current advice from the Church of England and NHSEngland. A number of recommendations should already be followed if you are unwell with a cough or cold but in the current climate we want to emphasise these:1. HAND HYGIENE
Wash your hands – soap or hand gel can kill viruses.
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, ideally with a tissue, bin it, then clean your hands after.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If your hands touch a surface contaminated with a virus, it could be transferred into your body.
Hand sanitisers are currently used by the vicar and all those assisting at administering communion.
A hand sanitiser is available at the back of church, by the communion rail and in the crèche room for use by members of the congregation. It is recommended that you carry your own personal hand gel.2. THE PEACE
The peace will be verbalised only and you are advised to refrain from handshaking. If you have a cough, cold or a fever avoid getting too close to people. Small droplets can be propelled into the air so avoid getting too close, ideally keep 1m (3ft) away.3. HOLY COMMUNION
It is Anglican teaching that to receive the sacrament in one kind only
(i.e. just the bread) is to receive the sacrament in its entirety. The wine will not be offered until there is no longer a risk of cross infection from the virus.
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