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Meet Our Team

Our Clergy, Church Wardens, Readers and PCC Members.

Rev Andrew Colmer

Mobile: 07305 842257

Adeyinka Olushonde


I love God, am generally calm under pressure and have a keen sense of humour. I am currently in my second year as a Curate at All Saints Church, Childwall.
I obtained my first degree in Community Arts from LIPA and over the last 26 years’ my professional work has focussed on themes of creativity and expression, conflict and reconciliation, community cohesion and social regeneration.
Possessing quite a broad skillset, I often refer to myself as a ‘jack-of-all-trades and a master of none! I have specialist skills in workshop leading, training/teaching, personal coaching, singing, dance and drama. Prior to ordination I was blessed with a wide and varied career that also included venue management and strategic project management, working in a range of local, national and international contexts.
In 2019 I completed a Masters’ degree in Christian Leadership (focussing on Brexit, social trauma and cohesion) and am currently undertaking a Phd, focussing on offence and reconciliation.
I am enthusiastic, dedicated and (hopefully!) likeable. I have been married for 20 years and have 2 school-age children (and a dog!)

Rev. Bill Forster

Associate Minister

I am Bill, married to Elaine for the past 47 years. We live in Huyton and have two adult children and three Grand children. I come from a Mechanical/Electrical Engineering background and have been ordained for the past 28 years serving in parishes in Wigan, Liverpool and St Helens.. Prior to Ordination I served in my local Church in various ways including Churchwarden. I also worked for Liverpool Diocese as Diocesan Resources Officer for 8 years. Since retirement, I have been associated with All Saints since 2019 and if I am not at All Saints on a Sunday, I am usually covering acts of worship elsewhere.

John McCreadie

Youth Worker

Myself (John) my wife (Sian) and our beautiful little boy (Asher) are very excited to be part of the team at All Saints Church.

As the Missional Youth Chaplain on team here, it is my absolute enjoyment that I get to look at exiting new ways to share Jesus with young people in All Saints and in Church of England Schools across Liverpool.

We are loving being part of the church community at All Saints and are very excited to watch Asher grow here.

We as a family enjoy food, films and music! Sian teaches dance and loves to talk about all things dance related. I (John) love films and comics, probably the biggest Marvel fan you’ll ever meet, don’t believe it? Test me!!

But above all as a family we love God, love people and love the Word of God that is the Bible.

Our favourite Bible verses are: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Isaiah 49:6

he says: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”

If you see us in Church or in your school come and say hi, ask me anything Bible or Marvel related.

Norman Mason

Treasurer; Deanery Synod; PCC Member

Married 62 year with 3 sons and 6 grandchildren.
Chaiman of the Audit sub-Committee of the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance.
Member of Liverpool South Deanery Synod.
Church Organist.
Member of PCC sub-Committees for Stewardship and Development & Fabric.

Barbara Critchley

Church Warden

Born in Southport Barbara moved to Liverpool at the age of 18 and has lived in the parish ever since. She joined All Saints with husband Garry in 1981 and has three married children and three grandchildren. Barbara is a church warden and has served on the PCC for four years. She is also a member of the MU and a bellringer and in her spare time enjoys gardening, reading, craft work and spending time with family.

Margaret Thwaite

Deputy Warden

John McLoughlin

Deputy Warden

Mary Harrison

Deputy Warden

Mary was born in Liverpool and has been a member of All Saints since 1982 and served in various roles including youth work and as a deputy church warden.
She is a member, and the host. of a small group which meets to study the Bible and have fellowship.
She is married to Jim and has 3 children and now blessed with 8 wonderful grandchildren.
Mary is a retired nurse and enjoys cooking, walking and having fun with her grandchildren.

Garry Critchley

Reader (PTO), Deanery Synod & PCC Member

Garry is married to Barbara and has three children and three wonderful grandchildren.
I have attended All Saints for 41 years. I attend a Small Group and appreciate the fellowship and support I recieve from the other members.
I am a member of the Church of England Evangelical Council.
I also co-ordinate the annual Heritage Weekend celebrations in September.
I retired 7 years ago and enjoy time with Barbara, music, poetry, gardening (I am a member if the Churchyard Gardening team) and walking my dog.

Malcolm Colmer

Reader Emeritus

I and my family moved to Liverpool in 1971. We became part of the worshipping community of All Saints. I was encouraged to complete the Reader training I had started in Taunton and was licensed in 1973. I have served in a number of roles over subsequent years but am now acting as Reader Emeritus.

Joan McClelland

Reader (PTO)

Lynn Hudson


Lynn was born just down the road and has been attending All Saints from the age of sixteen. She is married to Dave and they have two grown-up children and recently they have been delighted and blessed to have become grandparents to a lovely little girl.
Lynn is a retired teacher and in her spare time enjoys singing, walking the dogs and spending time with her family.

David Holland

Deanery Synod; PCC Member

I have been a member at All Saints, Childwall for the last three years. I am a retired ecologist (ex-Environment Agency) but still fully active in environment and climate issues. I am one of the team managing Childwall Woods and Fields LNR and an avid bird watcher. And I sing in two choirs.

Viv Kerr

Deanery Synod; PCC member

I have been a member of All Saints for over 35 years. During that time I have been a Sunday school teacher , BB and pathfinder leader. I have served as a sides person and was previously on the PCC for about 9 years.
I am married to Steve and have two wonderful grown up children I am now enjoying a very happy retirement.

Aidan Holmes

Deanery Synod & PCC Member

Aidan Holmes is a member of the PCC.

Delia Owen

PCC Member

I have worshiped at All Saints Church for over 30 years. I have been on the PCC for a number of years and I am the chairperson of the World Mission Area subcommittee. I help with Pram Club. I am also the Children’s Society house-box organiser.

Pam Baines

PCC Member

My name is Pam Baines and I am a PCC member. I am also a sidesperson, as well as being on the administration rota and part of the healing ministry team. Last year I stepped in to help for a year as a Deputy Warden.

I have worshipped at All Saints for my whole life, being baptised, confirmed and married in the church. It is a very special place for me. Over the years I have been a Sunday School Teacher and a Church Warden. and in recent years Group Scout Leader of the 29th Picton Scout Group, who meet in the Church Hall.

Kathy Poole

PCC Secretary

I have been worshipping at All Saints with my husband and son, since 2018, and have been a member of the PCC since 2022.
I am also part of the Development and Fabric sub-committee and part of the sidesperson team, who help at services.

Julie Fadden

PCC Member

Julie has worked in Public Services for over 44 years and currently runs a disability charity as well as being an elected councillor in Liverpool.

Julie has served as a PCC Member, Deanery Synod rep, and has led youth work and Sunday school for many years during her time at All Saints’.

Sarah Swensson

PCC Member

Hi I am Sarah Swensson, I am 51 years old, married to Colin and have 2 amazing boys, Harry & Charlie.

I moved to Liverpool from Derby in 1999 having met and then married a scouser. I now live in a 'red' house, but I'll always be a Derby County fan!
This is my 4th year on the PCC, working with a wonderful group of individuals who all bring something different to the mix each and every meeting.
I am also the Electoral Roll Officer for All Saints, a sidesperson and help at Pebbles.

Ed Franklin

PCC Member

Adrian Carter

PCC Member

I have been coming to All Saints since 2014 with my family. I have served on the PCC 2016-2019 and then 2020 until the present time. I help with Rock Club, youth work and do sidesman once a month, along with attending Men’s Breakfast monthly. I used to teach History before changing career to train as a social worker. Always happy to chat with you at church so come and say hello!

Carole Turner

PCC Member

Mike Creer

PCC Member

Mike is married to Pam, they have lived in Childwall since 1981 and been members of the All Saints congregation throughout that time.

Mike is a member of the Development and Fabric Sub-Committee.

Debbie Green

PCC Member

I’ve been part of the All Saints family for over 20 years. It took me a few years to ‘get involved’ in church life and now I’m part of a wonderful small group that first met on the Alpha Course 14 years ago and remained firm friends since. For a while I was a ‘Boulders’ leader and now I’m part of the PCC. What next?

Tracey Dawson-Spence

PCC Member

I have been worshipping at All Saints for a number of years. I am part of the gospel choir and cleaning team

I also attend a house group. We have been together for around 14 years after initially meeting on an alpha course

Alun Owen

PCC Member

I have worshipped at All Saints for over 30 years. I am a recent member of the PCC but I have been a Sidesperson for many years and also participate in the Administration, carpark and vestry hour security rotas.

Tom Carter

PCC Member