Welcome to All Saints’ Church! We are glad that you have found us and hope that you feel settled among us very soon.

We are a parish Church in the Diocese of Liverpool and part of the Global Communion of the Anglican Church. Our mission is to share relevantly the Good News of Jesus to all people.

We have a silver Eco Church award from the Arocha Trust and are recognised as a child friendly Church by Liverpool Diocese.

Our weekly notices sheet is available each Saturday on line. If you want to receive it please contact the Vicar and he will add you to the email list.

Facebook page: to join the Church Facebook page search All Saints Childwall and answer the questions to request to join.

Church Vestry: 0151 738 1741

Church Hall Office: 0151 538 5973
Church Hall Address: 102 Childwall Abbey Road,
Liverpool, L16 0JW


For a full list of our Clergy, Church Wardens, Readers and PCC Members, see: Who’s Who – All Saints’, Childwall (allsaintschildwall.org.uk)

Vicar: Rev  Andrew Colmer – 07305 842257

Curate:  Rev Adeyinka Olushonde – 07300 885515

Associate Minister:  Rev Bill Forster

Warden:   Barbara Critchley –  0151 722 9643
Deputy Warden: Margaret Thwaite  – 0151 727 3334
Sexton:        Peter Kefford -  07785 505362

Normal pattern of Sunday services – 9.15am , 11am and  5pm, with Ignite Youth Service taking place at 6pm in the Church Hall.

During the summer holidays there is only one morning service at 10.00am.  Morning services all take place in the Church. Evening services are in the Church Hall.

The 9.15 service is available on YouTube each Sunday shortly after the service. The Vicar will share it via email if you request to have your name added to the email list.

Tea and coffee are served in the Church Hall between the two morning services. There are also refreshments served after the evening service.

Thursday services
10.45 am: Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer in Church followed by tea and coffee.

The Quiet Room is a small room located off the Church porch as you enter Church. It is intended for parents of babies and pre-school children, who need to use the room during the service to settle, feed and change their children before returning into Church. The room is approved by BAMBIS as suitable for breast feeding and there are changing facilities for babies and small activities to occupy and settle very young children. The room is open for all Sunday morning services and there is a rota of volunteers who help set up and tidy the room and to be a friendly face to help parents and carers with any questions they may have about the Church. The room has a TV that streams the service so parents can follow the service whilst they settle their child.

Contact: Caroline Cherpeau

Everyone is welcome at All Saints. Our Church building is ancient, but we try to make it as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.
• We have pew bags in Church containing activities for small children to use during the services. There are also sensory bags for children who require them. Please ask one of our sidespersons. They will happily give you a bag.
• The priest’s door into Church, which is located at the front, is wheelchair accessible. There are
also wheelchair accessible pews. Again, please ask a sidesperson for help if necessary.
• We have large print worship folders, Bibles and hymn books. Ask if you need one.
• There is a hearing loop for those who use a hearing aid.
• The Church Hall is easily accessible via the front door. There are disabled toilets and toilets for small children with changing facilities.

It’s Church but not as you know it! Our sessions are open to everyone to have fun and be creative together. Taking place in our Church Hall there are lots of faith-based crafts and messy play for all ages.  Keep checking the notices sheet for our next session, but we always hold Messy Church events at Easter and Christmas.
Contact: Sue Gibbs -  07773 212945
Rhia Preston – 07740 820420

Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
All Saints Code is 220 622 027.

Should you wish to give to support All Saints financially, the Parish Giving Scheme is our preferred way of receiving gifts. Gifts may be made regularly (monthly, quarterly or annually), or a lump sum and, if appropriate Gift Aid is recovered automatically and speedily.

PGS can be contacted by:-
• Post, use forms at the back of Church
• Telephone: 0333 002 1260
• Website: www.parishgiving.org.uk
• QR code

Bank Transfer or cheque
A lump sum gift may be made by online banking or cheque to:

Name: Parochial Church Council of All Saints Childwall  | Sort Code: 20 50 82  Account number: 80690007

Should you wish us to reclaim tax under the Gift Aid Scheme, you will need to complete a Gift Aid Declaration form, available at the back of Church.

Contact: Treasurer Norman Mason 07850 383836


Pebbles is our Sunday School for children attending school from reception to Year 2. They meet at 9.15am on the first, third and fourth Sundays during term time in the small hall and enjoy fun activities to learn more about Jesus which help them to grow in faith, through stories, play and craft.

If you want to find out more about Pebbles contact:
Belinda Colmer : 07910 305814 | belindacolmer@hotmail.com

Rocks is our Sunday School for children attending school years 3 to 6, although we recognise that during year 6 some children will want to transition through to Boulders.

Rocks meet as above for Pebbles, but meet in the large hall to have fun, age-related activities, to learn more about Jesus and to grow in faith. To be entered on the register contact:

Laura Senior: 07412 605689 | lkh_224@hotmail.com

Boulders is youth work for years 6 – 9. There is a range of activities for this age group. For further details
Sue Parry 07951 760715
Paul Cherpeau 07890 609436

Enquiries relating to Youth Work, contact: John McCreadie – 07480 369913.

Tuesday 7.00 to 8.00pm in Church.

A member of the clergy team is available most Tuesday evenings to discuss any aspect of Church life or to provide personal counsel. Baptisms, Confirmation and Wedding applications may be made during vestry hour.

No appointment is necessary. Please use the side door to the left of Church by the tower. Just come in and take a seat. Someone will speak to you individually.

Primary and Secondary school application forms will be completed by appointment with the Vicar. For more information, please see the Church Notices at the beginning of the Autumn Term.

Pastoral care is provided by clergy and licensed readers who will make home visits to provide support, prayer, Holy Communion and other pastoral needs.

There is also a pastoral visiting team of lay people who visit on a regular basis to provide support and companionship.


Small groups meet in homes at various times throughout the week. The content of meetings may include worship, prayer, Bible study, pastoral care, social activities, ministry to each other and outreach to others.

This is a group who meet every Thursday at 6.30pm on Zoom. The group is open to all parishioners and meets to pray and praise God together.

Meeting id: 880 238 0315. Passcode: yt76bq
Contact: Aidan Holmes.  07563 736150

Monday and Friday. 8.00am on Zoom

Meeting i.d: 948 786 2454
Passcode: 4allsaints

Morning Prayer takes place twice a week online and uses the appointed liturgy for the day.

Members of the group contribute to the reading and the prayers. There is no sermon, just an opportunity to engage with the Scriptures and prayer with an opportunity to chat together afterwards.

Contact: David Holland 07939 145524

Prayer partners is a ministry which promotes prayer within the Church and community of All Saints. As
individuals, members of the Church choose to pray for a specific person who leads one of the ministries or organisations and pray for them regularly.

Contact: David Holland –
07939 145524.

Over 30 million people have tried Alpha worldwide.

Come along and join us on our next course as we tackle some of life’s big questions together.
The Alpha course is open to everyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-judgemental space over 10 thought-provoking weekly sessions. It’s low key, friendly and, most importantly, fun.

We meet on Wednesday evenings at Calisa Café from 7.30pm for food followed by a short film and time to talk.
Contact: Jim Harrison
Rhia Preston    Rhiapreston@hotmail.co.uk

All Saints supports South Liverpool Food Bank.  You can donate non-perishable food and toiletries.

Collection crates are located in the Church porch and the Church Hall porch.
Contact: Aidan Holmes 07563736150

Our community garden has been set up on the vacant land next to the Churchyard.

It is a collaboration with Childwall Abbey School and the Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields. The space has been cleared of brambles and is available to the local community as a place where people can meet to grow fruit and vegetables, share ideas and to socialise.

The senior students from Childwall Abbey School have been enthusiastically involved from the beginning and are being taught skills in horticulture, joinery, etc. Our Vicar, Andrew Colmer is a qualified apiarist and is teaching bee keeping skills.

Two Open Days have showcased the progress made in the Church Acre.
Contact: David Holland 07939 145524

All Saints usually takes part in the national Heritage Open Days Scheme in September. Many people are
interested to come and see All Saints, one of the oldest Churches in Liverpool, dating in parts back to the fourteenth century. It’s an opportunity to show off our beautiful building but also for people to meet some of the Christians who worship here today in the twenty first century.

Contact: Garry Critchley    077323 05159

Our Church Hall is fully used throughout the week.

There is disabled access and disabled toilets as well as baby change facilities. There is a newly refurbished
kitchen as well as a small and a large hall. The Hall is available to hire on a Saturday as well as in
the school holidays when most youth groups do not meet. The cost to hire the Hall is £100 for up to 4
hours. This includes the use of both halls as well as the kitchen. If you wish to hire the Hall please contact
Mary Harrison either in person in Church on a Sunday or by email.
Contact: Mary Harrison



Storytime is a group run by volunteers from All Saints for babies and toddlers and their parents/carers. We welcome newborns right up to pre-school.

We open from 10.00am with free play time and crafts, then at 10.30am we have a story and lots of songs with actions, toys and bubbles!

We finish with drinks and snacks for everyone.
£2 per family
Monday term time from 10.00 until approximately
Church Hall
Contact: Elizabeth Martin 07970 937801
Hannah Fearon               07528 177969

Thursday 1.45 to 3.00pm during term time in the Church Hall.

Pram Club is for pre-school children and their parents/carers with activities for children to learn a little about the Christian faith, fellowship, support and refreshments.

The Choir leads sung worship at the 9.15am Sunday service each week. Choir practice is on a Thursday evening at 7.00pm in Church and the group spends an hour practising the hymns for Sunday morning and for any funeral or wedding where a choir has been requested. Anyone is welcome to join for an hour of fellowship and singing praise to the Lord.

Contact: Norman Mason 0151 428 6250

Worship group leads modern songs of praise and worship at 11.00am Sunday services. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 6.00pm in Church.

Contact: John McLoughlin 07762 228339

Wednesday 8.00 – 9.15pm. Church Hall
Our Gospel Choir is for adults who love God and want to sing His praises! We are a prayerful, worshipping
community that loves God and wants to see His kingdom come (in our lives and in this world).

No singing experience or special talent is necessary – all are welcome to join us for prayer and practice as we prepare to lead worship once a month at All Saints.

Contact: Adeyinka Olushonde 07300 885515

Our Girls’ Brigade groups provide safe, welcoming spaces for girls to form friendships, develop their
confidence and explore their faith. We engage in a range of activities to enhance their development and
give them new skills whilst having fun. Members are also able to work towards a range of badges through
activities which include crafts, music, physical activities and games.

28th Liverpool Girls’ Brigade: N:vestigate for girls in school years Reception – Year 1
Thursday 5.30-6.30 pm
Year 2 and 3 Thursday 6.45 – 7.45 pm in Church Hall
Contact: Victoria investigators28@hotmail.com 
28th Liverpool Girls’ Brigade N:gage for girls in school
years 4 – 6
Monday 7.00- 8.15pm Church Hall
Contact Jenny or Vicki 28ngage@gmail.com 

In the Boys’ Brigade we have faith in young people and want all of our members to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10)

We want all of our children and young people to have the best possible experience; to have fun, achieve and be able to participate in the wide range of opportunities on offer. There is something for every
young person: from our games and crafts, to camping and nights away. Our members develop skills, build
confidence, make friends, take responsibility, and are encouraged to make a real difference in their communities – sharing the values that make us who we are.

Facebook: 35thLiverpoolBB

Anchors: School Years 1 – 3 
Contact: Karen McCaldon

Company (Years 7 – 9) & Seniors (Year 10 – 13)

Tuesday 7.00 – 8.15pm Church Hall
Contact: Mick Southern

Tuesdays 8.15 – 9.30pm Church Hall

The 29th Picton Scouts  is associated with All Saints Church. Everyone is welcome, boys and girls from the
age of 6 until 14. We have 3 sections: Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Scouting is about mastering new skills, whilst making new friends and learning to have fun and adventures. Often this involves outdoor activities that children rarely get the opportunity to do such as
camping, fire lighting (and of course knots!). We also aim to be an integral part of the community and regularly volunteer to help locally.

Friday evenings. Church Hall and grounds.
Contact:   Greg 07793 199579

*All uniformed organisations: don’t forget to join the All Age Parade Service on the second Sunday of every month at 11.00am during term time.


Men’s Breakfast
Why not join a group of men for a simple breakfast, a time of fellowship, a short talk, prayer and finish off
with a hymn?
2nd Saturday of the month.   8.00am.  Church Hall
Contact: Aidan Holmes / Peter Jennins
07563736150 aid.holmes@btinternet.com


Mothers’ Union
Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation with more than 4 million members in 84 countries. Members are united in their commitment to support marriage and family life. At All Saints our members support projects at local, national and global level.

2nd Tuesday of the month. 2.00 pm.
Church  Hall
Contact: Sue Watterson 0151 428 8406
07707 901279/ suewatterson@hotmail.co.uk 


Churchyard Working Party
If you enjoy gardening and would like to join the happy team of people who  keep the beautiful Churchyard looking beautiful, then come and join us. No experience necessary.
Wednesday  9.30 am Churchyard
Contact: Peter Kefford 07785 505362

Love books? Come to Bookworms to review a good book over a drink and a chat. Look out for confirmation of dates and book titles in the weekly notices.  Bi-monthly. Usually the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Contact: Val Yates 0151 722 0510

CHAT (Crafts, Hobbies, Art and Tea)
We are a group of ladies (although gentlemen are always welcome). We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm in All Saints Church Hall from September through till June. We enjoy card making, jigsaws, knitting and crocheting, glass painting and other hobbies and crafts or just come and enjoy the company. There is also a thought for the day. There is no charge, although a donation is appreciated and everyone is welcome.
Contact:       Margaret Thwaite              0151 727 3334

Tea@2 is our monthly afternoon tea for adults of all ages – Church members and their friends. It’s an
opportunity to enjoy tea and homemade cake and to get to know each better. £1 donation
3rd Wednesday of the month. 2.00 – 4.00pm Church Hall
Contact: Helen Ford 07950 718759

Bell Ringing
All Saints has had bells rung for many centuries.  Watch out in the Church Notices for opportunities to join the ringing team and learn the ancient art of campanology.
Contact: Alex Young – 07780 597394 or Charlie Southern.

Church Cleaning
Our Church is kept clean and tidy by our Sexton and a volunteer team of cleaners. The cleaners work in small groups on a rota. Currently each group cleans once every 7 weeks. The more volunteers
we have the less often you have to clean! We are always looking for new volunteers! Contact: Angela
Mooney 0151 722 2260, 07748 092657 ammooney@metronet.co.uk

Church Flowers
Our Church always looks beautiful thanks to our dedicated small team of flower arrangers. If you would like to donate flowers to remember a special occasion or anniversary you can sign up on the list on the notice board in the Church porch. In addition if you would like to get involved in arranging flowers in Church you would be very welcome to get in touch.
Contact: Joan Anderton 0151 722 9823. Gwen Belsire: 0151 722 0105