Many of us will have spent hours over the past few weeks cleaning, tidying and sorting out – Spring cleaning as we’ve never done it before! One of the results of this may well be piles of stuff we don’t know what to do with. Charity bags have stopped appearing on the doormat, charity shops are closed and lockdown means we can’t see friends or neighbours to pass things on. This month’s challenges won’t resolve those issues but might give you some ideas of how to use things when the lockdown has eased.• Tools with a Mission (TWAM for short) is a Christian organisation which accepts tools which are then refurbished in the UK and sent out to developing countries where they are given to people along with a starter kit so that they can set themselves up in business. The sort of things which TWAM is looking for are sewing machines, knitting machines, builders equipment, carpentry tools, gardening tools, electrical and plumbing and car mechanic kits, as well as computers, laptops and tablets. Find out more at There is a local rep in Liverpool who can answer your question and collect items once the lockdown is eased. He is Mr L.J.Fletcher. Phone: 01512805490.• Prior to the Covid 19 Pandemic there was an upcycling centre in the Mansion House at Calderstones Park. It met each Thursday afternoon. You could take items which required refurbishment and get help to restore them to their former glory. Hopefully this resource, organised by the Reader Organisation, will return after the pandemic. It offers a great opportunity to restore rather than dispose of old items